SHOPPING FOR CLOTHES. Role play speaking task

Are you ready to go shopping?

In order to buy clothes, there are two important aspects to consider, first of all, it is a good idea to listen and learn some vocabulary, then, it is essential to practice some expressions:



  • Can I help you? How can I help you? =  (Basic introductory sencente when the shop assitant finds someone in the shop.  ¿En qué puedo ayudarle?

  • I'd like= Me gustaría. Para poner los verbos en condicional usamos WOULD delante del verbo, ya que este tiempo no existe en inglés. It is rude to use the verb "want". 

  • Can I try it on? = ¿Me lo puedo probar? It is used when you want to see the clothes better
  • Changing room= Probador. Place where you try the clothes
  • How much is it? = ¿Cuánto cuesta?. 
  • How would you like to pay? = ¿Cómo le gustaría pagar?
  • Do you take master card /American express? (it is similar to: do you take credit card?
  • By card = con tarjeta (using card);      In cash= en metálico (with money)
  • Can you insert the pin code, please? (when you pay by card, sometimes, you have to dial a number)
  • To return a product= Descambiar un producto. To give the product back and change it by another one.
  • A refund: devolver el dinero. (You give the product back and they give you back the money again)
  • Size= Talla. S (Small) M (Medium) L (Large)
  • Which size do you need? 

Anyway, if what you bought isn't very nice, you can always ask for a refund...

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