What's the weather like? It's a typical question: ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?
To answer to this question, we have to take into account the following ideas:
- It: (subject of the answer). Always obligatory at the beginning of the sentence
- We use the verb TO BE to talk about the weather: It's sunny
- Auque en español decimos: Hace frío , hace calor. ESe verbo en inglés es TO BE (iT'S HOT); Aunque en español es impersonal, en inglés el SUJETO ES SIEMPRE OBLIGATORIO.
THe following picture from easypacelearning will help you to improve your vocabulary:
In the following video, you can listen to some expressions related to the weather.
Answer the following questions:
- Why does the mum think it will rain tonight?
- What's the weather like in Canada?
- What's the weather like in Europe?
- What's the weather like in ASia?
- What's the name of the presenter?
- Is the father sleepy?
Gracias por poner esto
ResponderEliminarDe nada, Alfonso. Espero que sigas trabajando en el blog y en clase. Un saludo