Can you describe the clothes you are wearning at the moment?A good help can be the following worksheet in which there are pictures of some typical clothes:
- WEAR means llevar puesto (I'm wearing a tracksuit)
- CARRY means llevar, transportar (I'm carrying a school bag)
- PUT ON means ponerse. TAKE OFF means quitarse
- GET DRESSED means vestirse. GET UNDRESSED means desvestirse
- NAKED means WITH NO CLOTHES (desnudo). BAREFOOTED means WITH NO SHOES (descalzo)
- TO BE DRESSED TO KILL means something like BEING REALLY GORGEOUS: de punta en blanco
- When describing clothes, don't forget to write adjectives before nouns: A RED SKIRT, A SILK SHIRT (note that materials are also adjectives and don't need preposition in English: una camisa de seda in Spanish: a silk shirt (CAMISA DE SEDA), or a wool sweatshirt (un jersey de lana)). That is, we never use the prepositon OF.
The following video can also help you to improve your pronunciation
Now, go ahead and describe everyone's clothes!!
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